Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Baby Yacub Devil Worship Cult

The Baby Yacub Devil Worship Cult
by Prince A. Cuba
There has been undeniably a tendency dedicated to making the Black man a devil, and to absolve and protect the so-called white man from his devil status. This tendency I call "the Baby Yacub Devil Worship Cult. "
The Baby Yacub Devil Worship Cult are those who want to make the Black man a devil without undergoing any effort or a 600 year graftation process. In their determined idea to make the Black man a devil, they have gone to tampering with the lessons. Of course, To make the devil, what must you first do, is side-stepped and ignored. With the false interpretation given, it would not have been necessary for Yacub to board ships to Pelan with 59,000 people. He could have merely selected individuals at the docks, pointing them out: "You, you, and you. Your wanting to enslave your fellow Black Man has made you weak and wicked. Therefore I pronounce you devils." (He could have pocketed the boat fare and got a big package (of dope) with the money.) Why go through 600 years of work, he personally, was never going to see the outcome of, if it weren't necessary?
But there is that tendency, that while desiring the making of devils from Black folks, is equally intent on denying the reality of the real devil.
Hate, lust, envy and jealousy are not devils; they are character defects. Only Yacub's grafted man is the devil.
For too long, self-appointed, but unqualified, individuals have been teaching the poor lies. Their wisdom cycle is coming to a close .
Check the following cites: Student Enrollment Q & A NO.2. In English Lesson No. C-l (Nos. 6, 7, 8, 10, 24, 25, and 27. In Lesson No. 1:1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 --- it's plain as to who the devil is; why then, abruptly at 1:10 does he suddenly becomes "hate," "lust," "envy," or "jealousy"? That would be inconsistent with the lessons, reality, or good sense.
It is it "hate, lust, envy, and jealousy" that teaches the 85% (2:9)? Or at 2: 12? Did it take 600 years to produce "hate, lust, envy, and jealousy" (2:25)? Was "hate, lust, envy, and jealousy" manufactured on Patmos (2:27)? What kind of rules and regulations were involved in the manufacturing of "hate, lust, envy, and jealousy" (2:28)?
We can go through every degree and show the consistent meaning of a real devil (Cf 2:32). And
so the Baby Yacubs went and tampered with the lessons. They changed 2:33 from "A grafted man made weak and wicked ... " to "any Man made weak and wicked ... "
They went and changed the lessons. These are not the lessons that came from Farad, Elijah, or Allah. I should hope that by now, only the 85% are . still accepting on face value misleading and false statements prefixed with "The Father said ... " Tell them, "No, you say that."
The 5% teach that the Black man of Asia is God, and that there is nothing supernatural about him.

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