Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Baby Yacub Devil Worship Cult

The Baby Yacub Devil Worship Cult
by Prince A. Cuba
There has been undeniably a tendency dedicated to making the Black man a devil, and to absolve and protect the so-called white man from his devil status. This tendency I call "the Baby Yacub Devil Worship Cult. "
The Baby Yacub Devil Worship Cult are those who want to make the Black man a devil without undergoing any effort or a 600 year graftation process. In their determined idea to make the Black man a devil, they have gone to tampering with the lessons. Of course, To make the devil, what must you first do, is side-stepped and ignored. With the false interpretation given, it would not have been necessary for Yacub to board ships to Pelan with 59,000 people. He could have merely selected individuals at the docks, pointing them out: "You, you, and you. Your wanting to enslave your fellow Black Man has made you weak and wicked. Therefore I pronounce you devils." (He could have pocketed the boat fare and got a big package (of dope) with the money.) Why go through 600 years of work, he personally, was never going to see the outcome of, if it weren't necessary?
But there is that tendency, that while desiring the making of devils from Black folks, is equally intent on denying the reality of the real devil.
Hate, lust, envy and jealousy are not devils; they are character defects. Only Yacub's grafted man is the devil.
For too long, self-appointed, but unqualified, individuals have been teaching the poor lies. Their wisdom cycle is coming to a close .
Check the following cites: Student Enrollment Q & A NO.2. In English Lesson No. C-l (Nos. 6, 7, 8, 10, 24, 25, and 27. In Lesson No. 1:1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 --- it's plain as to who the devil is; why then, abruptly at 1:10 does he suddenly becomes "hate," "lust," "envy," or "jealousy"? That would be inconsistent with the lessons, reality, or good sense.
It is it "hate, lust, envy, and jealousy" that teaches the 85% (2:9)? Or at 2: 12? Did it take 600 years to produce "hate, lust, envy, and jealousy" (2:25)? Was "hate, lust, envy, and jealousy" manufactured on Patmos (2:27)? What kind of rules and regulations were involved in the manufacturing of "hate, lust, envy, and jealousy" (2:28)?
We can go through every degree and show the consistent meaning of a real devil (Cf 2:32). And
so the Baby Yacubs went and tampered with the lessons. They changed 2:33 from "A grafted man made weak and wicked ... " to "any Man made weak and wicked ... "
They went and changed the lessons. These are not the lessons that came from Farad, Elijah, or Allah. I should hope that by now, only the 85% are . still accepting on face value misleading and false statements prefixed with "The Father said ... " Tell them, "No, you say that."
The 5% teach that the Black man of Asia is God, and that there is nothing supernatural about him.


One of the most fundamental and powerful methods of imperialism is the tactic of "divide and conquer". It is probably the most effective method of guaranteeing the control of the majority by the minority. World history instructs us that a minority, outnumbered by eleven-to-one, was able to rule the largest land masses on the planet, Asia-India-Africa and the Americas, through the ploy of divide and conquer. How was this accomplished, and how does it relate to our present day reality? King Shabazz (El Malik El Hajj Shabazz) said in his speech "Prospects for Freedom in 1965," "On the African continent, the imperialists, the colonial powers had always divided and conquered,. They had always practiced "divide and conquer," and this had kept the people of Africa, and Asia, from ever coming together. So on the African continent had appeared an organization known as the OAU, or Organization of African Unity.... " Using this same approach in China and with the help of opium and the ten percent, the European was again, successful. The invasion by Cortez into Mexico is a classic example. Cortez, with a handful of Spaniards; outnumbered a thousand-to-one, by playing one Indian nation against another" was able to bring the Aztec Empire down. The most powerful means of dividing and conquering is ideological. This is psychological warfare. Call it trick-knowledge, if you prefer.0ne of the most powerful means of ideological division is religion. There is nothing more effective for dividing a people than religion. It was for this reason that Musa had to put into practice the motto of "One God, One Leader, one Nation," and the reason that King James had to have one "Authorized Version" of the Bible for his people; to destroy divisions created by different ideas and beliefs. Do you think that the Hebrews would have organized under Musa if they were still arguing about ideological or political differences? Do you think that the English Empire would have been built if people like the Puritans and few other sects were allowed to remain in England and divide the masses? Emphatically no. Whether Musa, or King James, their word was law, and those who disobeyed, paid with their lives, and that is why they were successful; and that is why anyone will be successful. There are probably thirty-million or more people within the borders of the United States with a common history, language economic life, and a consciousness manifested in a community of ' culture. Whether members of this group call themselves Black, African-American, or anything else, they are still members of that nation. It is a nation, whether its opponents recognize it or not. There is a collective identity, even where there is a lack of national consciousness. There are probably more than thirty-million people of African descent in this country that identify with being either African-American or Black, who listen to the same music, read the same newspapers and magazines, and speak in their own idiom. Those are all the characteristics of a nation. Now, the question any intelligent individual might then ask, is "You mean that even if I have a different belief about reality, I still am not a member of a different nation than the one my mother and father belong to'?" If a leopard believed in something different than the other leopards, would he cease to be a leopard? And would it make any difference to the hunter? It would be a lot easier for the hunter if he could divide the leopards by making them think they are other than themselves. I am talking here about knowledge of self. And with knowledge of self can only come unity. And when someone is teaching you something that causes the division of a people, they most certainly are not teaching right and exact. They are not teaching righteousness. And anyway, anyone knows that a leopard can't change his spots. Yes, there is a 5%, but it's not a nation but a group concerned with achieving a common goal. That's a movement. To call it a nation is semantics. To call it a nation is to divide and conquer by creating a sect of; a movement. After all, what's wrong with a progressive movement to bring change? No one but a reactionary priesthood would oppose that. No one but a liar would oppose the Truth. The thirty million need unity. Anyone against that is going to have a problem. The Mexican, Boriqua, and Indian nations are also in need of unity. The Unity of the Asiatic Nations is a Universal Plan. We all need freedom, justice, and equality. Anyone against that is an enemy. When I was in Crown Heights We had the United Nations Organization which was comprised of members from all the Asiatic nations, teaching freedom, justice, and equality to all the human family. Teaching Universal Liberation as a goal, not for the Third World, or the Second World, or for the First World, but. for the One World. But then came the false Muslims, the false Rastafarians, and the false Gods who work hand and foot with the devil to keep us divided; and still they work against me and against unity. They imprisoned Garvey and they murdered countless prophets and teachers of righteousness, but they won't stop this UNIVERSAL LIBERATION MOVEMENT because the true and living God is behind it. Prince Allah Cuba 3/25/89

What Makes You Asiatic? The Knowledge of Continental Drift

What Makes You Asiatic? The Knowledge of Continental Drift
Many today use the term "Asiatic Blackman" without the Understanding. The question posed is, "What makes them Asiatic?" This is a question that those who say that they are Asiatic should be able to answer 100% right and exact without playing semantical word games. That is Wisdom without Knowledge.
The Africans brought to the shores of North America were robbed of their culture, language, national identity, and kept ignorant of their origin. This was done by design and for a very deceitful purpose At least 64 years of history is missing from these early years of slavery. The European settlers called Us everything but Africans. They called us niggers. Negroes. blacks, coloreds, slaves, bucks, and mammies, just to mention a few. This was done to make us think that we were different from our other Asiatic brothers: Africans, Indians, and Chinese. This was to divide One' (Black) into three. Divide and conquer is the formula that enabled the planet's European minority to dominate the majority.
Geologists (Earth scientists) have now proven theory to be fact in the case of "Continental drift." Continental drift shows simply that the Earth first existed as a single land mass (continent), that later became separated into several large landmasses, or continents.
Alfred Wegener is credited with enlarging upon the theory of continental drift. Wagener coined the term Pangaea for this super continent. "Pan" means "all" in Greek, and "Gaea" means "Earth" in the same language. (Gaea was the Mother Earth Goddess of ancient matriarchal Greece more than six thousand years ago).
What Wegener came to call Pangaea was known as Asia to the original people. Asia is still the primary and largest continent of the planet Earth and all the other continents are merely subcontinents. Asia means "center of the Earth."
If one would analyze a map of the world closely, they would discover that all the continents fit together like a puzzle. After all, isn't Africa Southern Asia? China, Central Asia? Europe, Western Asia? Sure they are.
Wegener is considered the father of the continental drift theory. According to his teaching, Pangaea began to separate into two large landmasses 200 million years ago. He called these landmasses Gondwanaland and Laurasia after the names given by two other geologists Alexander du Toit and Rudolf Staub. With the breaking up of these two landmasses into continents came the present geography we know today. Bear in mind, that unti1 the 15th Century, Europeans did not know that the Earth was round, and it was not until 1912 that Wegener made a serious study of this continental drift theory.
Now we come back to the question. "What makes one Asiatic?"
This will come as a surprise to many, 'because many have accepted the teachings of the 10%. The "many" are the 85% and with the 10% they add up to 95%. Many have blindly accepted that they are Asiatic because of a semantical word game. Calling themselves "breaking down" (analyzing) the word Asiatic, I have heard that "Asia is the body and atic is the mind, where one stores the knowledge at." I have even come across those who say I "It is the knowledge that one obtains that makes them Asiatic." Neither of these answers will suffice for the true and living 5%. We neither accept nor take the teachings of the 10% on face value. I will comment later on concerning the current fallacy "knowledge is to know the ledge," contributed to the large body of mythology created by the ignorant reactionary priesthood.
Asia is the original continent and name of the plant Earth, home of the original Asiatic Black man. All original people are Asiatic; only the unoriginal (Europeans) are not Asiatics. Asia is the common bond of all original people. While geologists during the last century have gathered. Evidence to prove the continental drift theory to be fact, paleontologists (scientists who study fossils) have also gathered collaborative evidence in support of the same verdict.
To say that I am an Asiatic Blackman is not denying my African heritage neither is it inconsistent with one another. Our knowledge of our Asiatic connections was first borne to us from our own people. Noble Drew Ali and master Fard Muhammad taught that the Blackman in North America was Asiatic: now, the European scientists, through the modern technology of DNA, tracing, have shown and proven that the origin of man (and woman) was South Asia or Central Asia.
More Proof
A British geophysicist, S.K. Runcorn, discovered through paleomagnetism, (the study of magnetism in ancient rocks), and utilizing the magnetic elements within the rocks, that he could detect the Earth's magnetic poles, indicating the time period in which the rock was formed. At the time the rock was still in a molten state and in a semi liquid form, the iron ore particles within it point toward the magnetic poles of the Earth. This is similar to the way small compass needles point. Upon cooling and hardening, these magnetic particles remain pointing in the same direction in a fixed state. By studying these particles and then using the magnetic poles as references, the exact movement of the continents in the prehistoric past was able to be determined with scientific accuracy.
By the mid-l950s scientists in another branch of science also came to confirm the theory of Continental Drift. Oceanographers had mapped-out a world-wide series of oceanic (ditches, island arcs (curve bow-like chains of islands), and mid-oceanic ridges, or mountains rising from the ocean's floor. These have relevant and supporting proof of contin-ental drift.
Seismologists (scientists who study earthquakes), have also distinguish that most earthquakes originate beneath oceanic ditches, as well as volcanic activity focused along these undersea ridges.
A theory that was developed in the early 1960s by geologist H.H. Hess, was "sea floor spreading." This theory was based on convection currents carrying molten rocks/lava up over the ridges and into their crevice-like valleys. These valleys are striations in the ocean floor. When the molten rock hardens with coolness, it expands. This contributed to the separation of the continents. The examination of paleomagnetic elements taken from the sea floor ridges proved this theory to be correct.
The Earth has an outer-shell which is called the lithosphere that consists of large ridge plates that stay in motion. They slide on a soft zone within the Earth's mantle called the asthenosphere. The moving of these plates carries the ocean floor along with the continents.
We are not Asiatic because "Asia is the body and atic is the mind where we store the knowledge." Nor are we Asiatic by the knowledge we possess." This is not scientific knowledge. Neither is "knowledge is to know the ledge," a proper definition. That's semantics (word games). To know the ledge of knowledge is putting a limitation on knowledge. Those who use truth and logic know that there is no ledge to knowledge. Knowledge is infinite. To know the ledge of anything, one must know that it has a limitation, or a certain extent, and cannot go further than the edge of that ledge.
Only slaves from mental death and power would accept on face value these false teachings, and those who teach the poor lies can be held responsible to the true and living teachers of righteousness the true and progressive 5%, who do not believe in the lies (teachings) of the 10%, and that is why THE UNIVERSAL TRUTH is the vanguard publication of the real 5%. We crush religious myths.
These false definitions of Asiatic and knowledge have their origin in a reactionary priesthood who, rather than admit their ignorance, create myths. Not everyone who says they "have knowledge of self" is telling the truth.
We have been in the past great people of Science. Standing firmly on that foundation of knowledge we can demonstrate (show and prove) why we are Asiatic. The truth is always consistent, and facts are facts. So let us science-up that which has been presented to us, so that we can build on truth and destroy falsehood. The only way we can do that is through fact. Prince Life Allah (reprinted from TUT vol.1 no.5)