Thursday, January 29, 2009

On The Word God: A Commentary

On The Word God: A Commentary Somewhere it is written that “When one researches the word God, he will find that the word god comes from the Greek language.” Emphatically No. When one researches, and does not let the 10% teach them, they know this to be a lie. Who teaches the poor lies? Do the Knowledge: The word God is not derived from the acronym Gumar, Oz, and Dubar. The origin of that belief is a plagiarism of the teachings of the Ansars [Nuwabians]. Mental incompetents masquerading as “All Wise and All-Knowing” teachers of Righteousness are stealing teachings from a Muslim Religious community! Imagine that. That’s why we, the progressive 5% say that they are priests, trying to create a religion. Gumar does not mean wisdom in Greek. The word for wisdom in Greek is Sophia, or as in the word philosophy (philo-love sophos-wisdom). Philosophy means “love of wisdom.” The word for God is Theo in Greek, as in the word theology (theo-god, ology-study of). Theology means “study of god.” The English word for God is derived from the old English word for “good,” which in turn is derived from the Anglo, Saxon, Norman, and Jute Tribes that came from Germanic roots. Since the true 5% do not accept the teachings of the 10% on face value alone, and does his research, it becomes evident, when shown and proven, that the origins of the word God in English Language is not Gumar, Oz , and Dubar. Don’t let the priest teach you lies. We don’t need another religion. Prince Allah Cuba (reprinted from The Universal Truth Vol.1 No. 1)

The Five Percent Solution: How to beat COINTELPRO

The Five Percent Solution: How to beat COINTELPRO
by Prince A Cuba
Counter-intelligence programs are based on the oldest tactic of white supremacy: divide and conquer. They were taught before leaving Pelan, that when they returned amongst the righteous, to employ the “he said, she said” routine that Yacub had taught them. As it is written: When you have gotten them fighting and killing each other, then settle their disputes, and restore peace among them. If they agree, them you will be able to rule of them both.” This method the white race practice on the black nation, the world over. They upset their peace by putting one against the other, and then rule them after dividing them.” (Message to the Blackman, pp.117). The “he said, she said, trick knowledge method is defeated by: (1) Take nothing on face value. (2) Before you evaluate information, evaluate the source. (3) Think and plan before acting. (4) Act deliberately, never spontaneously. (5) Evaluate individuals by their physical activities, not their verbal claims. So , when you see anonymous plus degrees, they are suspect because you can not evaluate their source. Divide and conquer is the oldest and most effective weapon in the enemy’s arsenal. The important thing to remember and understand is that the enemy does not have to pay or hire agents to accomplish his ends. The 10% within the cipher, motivated by jealousy, stupidity, and pettiness, serve the interest of the enemy without fee. They will jump on a government-authored rumor (disinformation) and circulate it far and wide. This is what we have to combat. The first method of defense is identification. There are only three kinds of people: the 85%, the 10%, and the 5%, recognized by their ways and actions. We must evaluate every individual, and classify them as to what they are and not what they claim. Rumor carriers must be identified and challenged to show and prove their accusations in public. We know they best operate in secret without challenge. A righteous teacher will clean his personal cipher of them. The best defense is an offense. We will be successful. It might be asked, Why shall we be Successful in all we undertake,” and the answer is quite simple and has been known for some time. It is god who must master the Devil and rule the planet Earth. But when we are again asked by a lip-professing, reactionary priesthood who, know not, and neither do they understand why the penalty is death and was enforced on every violator, “Nevertheless,” we must answer them, “We know that which you know not.” Let those with Understanding acknowledge the wisdom and apply the Science. It is rapidly approaching the time when we shall show forth our power: that we are all powerful and righteous, and show that the day long in and coming, must be prepared for in advance to avoid falling victim. The time to show and prove in actions is now to qualify for membership in the future guaranteed only to the victors. Let the wise pursue wisdom, and the fools perish. I came in peace but prepared for war. (reprinted from The Universal Truth Vol. 1 No.7)

The Science of Righteous Names

Prince Life Allah On "The Science Of Names"
In The Name Of..... In the name of who? It is often said, In The Name of Allah, In the Name of Jehovah (God), etc. etc. Are you any of these people? What about your name? Is it that you don’t see your self being any of these people or doing what they did and even more? Maybe you don’t, but you have to be yourself, because what they did was all in their name, not yours or mine. Each man will be rewarded for his own deeds. What have you done in your name to make you immortal? History is in the making. Where will you be in the next hundred years? Stand own your own two feet, build your own name. A name does not make a person; it’s his performance [actions] which makes his character live out that name. Don’t hide behind someone else’s name, come in your own name. Prince Life Allah (reprinted from TUT. Vol. 1 No. 1)
Universal Shaamgaudd Allah on "The Science Of Names"
IMPRESSIVE NAME IS NO GUARANTEE OF SUCCESS OR FAME! The SHAAMGAUDD (pronounced-SHAMGOD) IS one which I designed my self, In 1965 I went by the complete name of SHAAMGOD,ABDULE, ALLAH,MALIK,JABBAR however on my first private talk with the Father, he asked me my name, so I ran It off like a little poem I knew right away that I had made a mistake, The Father smiled and almost laughed then he said "Son you don’t need all those names A man is should carry his name, the name should never have to carry the man, a name that heavy could weigh a young man down, don’t make your job any harder then it already is, your job is to help people to find themselves, with a name that long they’ll get lost in your name, you’ll be trying to teach them about the science of everything in life and they’ll be trying to remember what you said your name was. ALLAH is the family name and always follows the attribute of a God, JABBAR is a tribal name and is automatic, and includes all women and children, and this is an understanding within the family. A great name won’t make you great, you have to bring greatness to the name. think about it MUHAMMAD, BUDDA, MUSA, JESUS SINGLE NAMES MADE great by single men, that's why we have given you’ll the Supreme Alphabets and mathematics by using them properly you can create your own attribute that says the same things all those other names say, and after you have completed the Birth record you can add a name or change yours, however only after you have mastered that name for 10 years can you add or change the cipher! So when creating your attribute make it easy on yourself. {reprinted from The Sun Of Man May 85}
Prince Allah Cuba On “The Science Of Names” " Well, everyone needs a name to identify themselves for a variety of reasons, whether social, business political, or religious.’ The first thing anyone does upon gaining knowledge of self is to discard the slave name most of us have been burdened with. And they are slave names, not so-called "government names." They came from the slave master and not the government. Those slave names don’t have to be Jones, Johnson, or Fatback-. They can be Rivera, Lopez, or Rodriguez. They can be French or Arabic. There is a science to names that people should investigate. A name tells where a person comes from (town, state, country). A name tells you something about the person’s character (or lack of it), and this is known as an attribute which describes the person. The concept of "first" and "last" names is a European concept that was grafted-on rather than added- on after the departure of Allah. Certain people started saying that the only "proper last name" was Allah, and that particular teaching took hold. The fact of the matter is that while Allah was here no one else used that name. Why? Because he knew what the name signified, and that was the "best knower," of which he was at that time. So, in his passing, everyone who couldn’t take the name while he was here, got bold and started calling themselves Allah, and referring to Allah as "The Father." And in their lack of understanding of what the name signified, they couldn’t pass any understanding on. You know that there are people calling themselves Shakur, Shabazz, Farrakhan, and even Mandela who hope that reputation of the owner of the name can serve as a shield for themselves. I am not saying that people should not call themselves any of these names, or that they shouldn’t call themselves Allah. What I am saying, loud and clear, is Allah did not teach that We were required to name ourselves Allah; that he did not teach that "the only proper last name" was Allah. He knew the science of names. He was a graduate of the University of Islam and as such, was qualified to teach "right and exact." Everything he taught was consistent with what was taught in the Temple, which was, of course, consistent with 120. There was an oral tradition to fill in the gaps of the unexplained in 120. He did teach the necessity of getting out of the slave master’s name. He did not teach that everyone was required to have Allah as a surname. I use the term "surname" to illustrate the level of ignorance of those who taught that "Allah" was the "only proper last name." A surname as used by the Europeans, is a "last name." The family (or tribal, etc.) name or surname used as the last name is a European concept. The Asiatic method of use of a surname is in the front or middle. For instance the name Mao Tse-Tung, we know refers to first Mao, the family name. In Africa, in many parts that have not been Christianized or Europeanized you will find the order of names different than the European style. Allah taught, as did Fard and Elijah that we should get out of the devil’s names. As to the name Allah, the understanding to that can be found in Message to the Blackman in America on pages 108,109. Obviously, not everyone who calls themselves Allah is the "best knower" of any particular cipher or nation. The Knowledge degree in the 1-10 states who is God. That means every original man is God. It does not state any prequalifications to be God other than originality. We are all God, only 85% are asleep to the fact and are without God consciousness; but who is the best knower? Who is the supreme God of a divine nation of Gods? Allah will manifest himself and make himself known, and gather his army and his scientists and destroy Yacub’s so-called civilization, and build a new, higher civilization. He is here now and among you, but 95% will not recognize him. And of course that doesn’t make any difference, because like the orthodox Muslims, the 85% and the 10% will bow to the will of Allah." {reprinted from The Universal Truth vol.1 no.6}

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Letter To A Goddess: Message to the Black Woman

Letter To A Goddess:
Message to the Black Woman
by Prince A. Cuba
I would suppose that you have at this time already read the short article on the 5% that I sent you. It's only a short historical overview. Some of the social aspects are still in the process of growth and development, and have not become wholly solidified. The historical process is ongoing; there are going to be some changes, and the social conditions will dictate the solutions. One important aspect is the role and status of women in the 5%.
Of course you might ask, who am I to write about that, being a man, and that is a very good question. First of all, I am not writing for women, per se; but for men who, in their own ignorance, have subjugated women to a second-class status, not only in the general devil society, hut within the holy cipher of the 5%. In pure honesty, I must add, that while I feel compelled to make a moral stand in this matter, it is a tactical decision that prompts me to write this.
The simple fact is, that as long as the woman is subjugated within the ranks of the 5%, the ~best women- the articulate, the intelligent, and the educated- will be discouraged from being involved, particularly on the leadership level. .
Unfortunately this backward and ignorant attitude of many men toward women only reflects their own intellectual failings as well as their social and psychological insecurities.
One of the most outrageous mythologies promoted by these masculinist deadheads is that the woman is intellectually
inferior to the male. Certain individuals have made the claim that the female has only six ounces of brain weight, while the male has seven and one-half. This crap is a distortion of the teaching that the blond-haired, blue-eyed devil has only six ounces of brains, while the Asiatic Black Man, God, has seven and one half.
How this distortion came about was simply through the passage of time, it was repeated by those easily led in the wrong direction who accept statements on face value alone. In addition, this error was compounded by the fact that no one, particularly a male, corrected this error, and defended the female when she was attacked in this manner.
Surely, what God would allow his woman to be equated with a
Anyway, where is it written, said, expounded, explained, or shown and proven, that a woman has less brains than a man? Wouldn't you know that it's the most ignorant, the most unintelligent, and the most disrespectful of people that want to keep women down in a subservient position?
I will simply state that only a man with six ounces of brainpower would stoop to this devilishment of attempting to enslave the Black woman and assign her to a subordinate level. Only a man with dead meat for brains would equate my Sister, my Daughter, my Mother, with a devil. I can assure you, that in the passage of time, this mentality will be crushed wherever and whenever it manifests its ugly head.
Another question that arises on the woman's position within the 5% is the error, not by distortion, but by omission, of her real status ill life, as opposed to her "symbolic" status. On the symbolic level, the woman is referred to as the "Earth" (and often identified with the Earth's younger Sister, the Moon). Identifying the woman with the Earth actually has a great deal of history behind it. Any woman who has studied "women's history" will tell you that before the arrival of the white-colored male gods worshipped by the 85%, there was the Mother Goddess. She was identified with the Earth, harvest, and human fertility. Of course this all goes back to over six thousand years ago, and before the ideological and physical domination of the white man. Until that time people lived a communal existence with common ownership of land. The economist Marx termed this common ownership of land, the "Asiatic mode of production." Until the arrival of the Europeans into the Americas or Africa, land was held communally.
With the coming of the European (Aryan) invasions came the destruction of the matriarchal/matrilineal societies, the common ownership of land and food production, and the Earth Mother-centered religion. What replaced it was a patriarchal, "white man as god" astral religion, and the capitalist form of "private property" whereby a minority of individuals "owned" and controlled the land that was earlier held in common. This can" all be substantiated, and any "feminist" majoring in women's Studies will agree with me on all these points. (A few good books I would recommend on the subject would be: The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, Frederick Engels; Mother Right, J.J. Bachofen; When God Was a Woman, Merlin Stone; The Evolution of the Woman, Evelyn Reed).
So the woman is symbolic of the Earth, and so it is added, because she is three-quarters water in body weight. Yes, and the symbolism goes further. Her menstrual cycle is the same as that of the moon's cycle around the Earth. A strong case may be made for the parallels and symbolic relationship between the Earth and the woman, but let us not confuse the symbols with the realities: the woman is not a huge planetary body hurtling through outer-space around the Sun in an elliptical orbit, and although I've seen some fat women in my time, I've never seen, nor heard of one who weighed six sextillion tons.
In many cases, like in the 5% Universal flag, the woman is represented as the Moon, as she is on the old Nation of Islam's National flag. As the Moon, she is represented as "Equality." The Sun, symbolizing the man, is represented as "Freedom," and the Star, symbolizing the baby, represents "Justice." Together they spell out Freedom, Justice and Equality. Within the Universal flag of the 5%, the moon is the Wisdom, the Blackman (7) Knowledge, and the Star, (or baby), the Understanding.
Now, the question of the woman and Equality is posed. If man is symbolized as the Sun and Freedom, and God, and the woman is the Earth, and Equality, we are absent the Understanding quotient parallel to God; where is the Woman's Equality to God?
The woman's status of Equality to God is Goddess,
Need we enter the realm of higher astronomy for esoteric insight? Does the Sun's rays plant the seed of abundant life in the fertile womb of the Earth? Does not the Earth revolve around the Sun because she is caught up in his gravitational pull? And what is gravity but the physical attraction between two material bodies? Poets may romanticize and obscure the fact, but "love" is nothing but gravity, and the further away, the more difficult to maintain the attraction. (It's no wonder that while men are in prison, the women" break orbit. ")

So, symbolically speaking, the man is the Sun, and the woman is the Earth; but if the Black man is God, is his woman not a Goddess? Others will say, "No, she's the Earth," and limit her from true Equality. I came to find that the word "goddess" was not even in their vocabulary. The level of their literacy did not comprehend the word goddess. What level of Equality can be expected from an illiterate?
I am at present in a prison surrounded by men, many who claim to be of the 5%, and of these, many only have two words for women: "bitches and freaks."
Now, a "bitch" is female dog. If a man sees his woman as a "bitch" he sees himself as a dog. There's no way around it. No amount of semantics or word games will remove this fact; no rhetoric will erase it.
And the term "freak" when explained by its users generally refers to a female who engages in licentious behavior. What is strange to me, is that a woman who will engage in sexual acts with a man, to please that man, would become an object of derision to that man. If she is simply doing with him what he desires, why is she alone the "freak," and not him, too? It takes two to tango.
It reminds me of a man who was complaining about paying alimony. He and his wife had four sons. I had asked him, When did you discover you couldn't get along?" And he had answered, "From the very start, as soon as we were married." So I said, "but you had four sons with her," to which he answered: "The bitch just kept breeding ... "- I didn't hesitate one second when I added," ... all by herself, huh?"

And for those so-called 5% who have no other words but "bitch" and "freak" for my Mother, Sister, and Daughter how can they call me "Brother"?
There can be no liberation for a people as long as there is no full freedom, justice, or equality for all of its members.
I know that I went of there a bit, but there are some things that have been bothering me for some time. I relate them to you so that you can see some of the misconceptions that exist concerning the 5% that must be remedied. I relate them to you because you have expressed an interest in knowing more about the 5% ........

Who Is Prince -A- Cuba?

Who is Prince -A- Cuba?
I have said and written on occasions too numerous to count that I am Prince Allah of Cuba, that I come from Asia. I am that I am, the son of man, a living God. I came from Mecca to Medina by myself. I came with a book in one hand and a weapon in the other. A prophet who comes unarmed is murdered. I came in Peace but was prepared for War. They killed those who came before and sucked the blood of the people. Let the Wise pursue Wisdom and the fools perish. They held me in prison and sold my belongings. I came to reveal the Truth and establish a new, higher civilization based on Freedom, Justice, and Equality. I spoke as one having authority and came alone. They called me a half-original man, and even said half-devil. But there is only one part to the whole. 32 Shades: Black, Brown, Red, and Yellow. All original. All Black. Divide one by four. Divide and conquer. I taught who was God and who was the Devil in the Wilderness. They sold my teachings and kept me in jail. I revealed the Truth to the deaf so the dumb could understand, and the blind could see the dead raised. I carne to raise an army, to train the private soldier, and to destroy Yacub's world. I came to show and prove who God is, to show Mercy, and to punish the guilty. I came as a man in the physical, in the flesh. Teach the babies and bury the dead. Build and Destroy. Who am I to say and do these things? I was a Muslim, but now am God. I am you. You are Gods and Goddesses, Original people of the planet Earth, and the rightful rulers thereof. God doesn't pay the devil rent. He builds for himself, and picks the best part for himself. God doesn't work for the devil's slave wages. He's the maker, owner. God, reclaim your own. The name Cuba is an Asiatic Indian name. It is not Spanish. My father came from Cuba, my mother from Borinquen. My name must serve many purposes as I travel in many places and many walks of life. I require no uniform or name tag to identify me to the enemy. My A-Alikes know me through my ways and actions. I can afford to be very subtle because only the wise will pursue my wisdom; not the 85% and not the 10%. Only 5% are supposed to know me. I am a Prince, I am Allah, and I am from Cuba (as well as other places).
I don't expect babies to eat hard food, I won't cast my jewels before swine. Surely the Devil does not call himself Devil in your presence. Know this one thing, if nothing else, that the coming of Allah and the destruction of Yacub's civilization will not be on the six o'clock news. Signs? You have been given signs: Divine Knowledge, Supreme Wisdom, and Universal Understanding. Prophets? Prophets have come among you only to be murdered for teaching righteousness. This generation will not pass away before all shall come to pass. Knowledge came, Wisdom spread. The Knowledge cycle is over; the Wisdom cycle is over; We are now in the Understanding cycle, and that means the end of false teachings, and myths taught by those unqualified to teach "right and exact" who have mistaught, tampered, and diluted the Truth because they were ignorant and could only teach those who knew less than they. I have not come to revise any teaching but to fulfill that which has been originally taught; and that means that the lies must be separated from the Truth, and the Truth be recognized. We shall not revise the Truth but make it known. Because knowledge and Wisdom have been deformed, it must be reformed to bring the proper Understanding. Like others before me, I am a reformer, and I am not here to reform the devil or the 10%. I don't have to yell from the rooftops the claim "I am Allah." I will, through my ways and actions, show and prove, down here on the sidewalk, that I am that I am. Many say with their mouths that ,they are Allah, but with their actions they cheapen the name. Didn't Allah himself say: "Those who say, don't know, and those who know, don't say."? Think about it.


Dear Readers:
It is with peace that I greet you.
The UNIVERSAL TRUTH, formerly known as Allah's CREATION, has taken the time out to elevate toward that which we represent: Universal liberation, freedom, justice, and equality for all the human family of the planet Earth.
The articles which will be published from here on, will be Universal teachings. Although our foundation will be the same, due to the lack of discriminating potential readers, we have changed our" name to avoid limited viewers.
The UNIVERSAL TRUTH is not for one specific movement, group, or organization; it is for al1.
We have one specific cause we are dedicated to, which is none other than freedom, justice, and equality.
Throughout reading this periodical, some might say, "I didn't know this is what the 5% actually stood for!" But this is our sole purpose for publishing articles that cover many areas that will place us back on the course of knowing what the struggle is for and to destroy the misconceptions and mythologies that the priesthood have bred throughout the years, that is in opposition and inconsistent with what the real 5%,
the true teachers of righteousness, are about"
So, to the readers, we encourage You to send all comments and articles for future publication. May you receive an impact of pure understanding throughout your readings. PEACE!