Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Five Percent Solution: How to beat COINTELPRO

The Five Percent Solution: How to beat COINTELPRO
by Prince A Cuba
Counter-intelligence programs are based on the oldest tactic of white supremacy: divide and conquer. They were taught before leaving Pelan, that when they returned amongst the righteous, to employ the “he said, she said” routine that Yacub had taught them. As it is written: When you have gotten them fighting and killing each other, then settle their disputes, and restore peace among them. If they agree, them you will be able to rule of them both.” This method the white race practice on the black nation, the world over. They upset their peace by putting one against the other, and then rule them after dividing them.” (Message to the Blackman, pp.117). The “he said, she said, trick knowledge method is defeated by: (1) Take nothing on face value. (2) Before you evaluate information, evaluate the source. (3) Think and plan before acting. (4) Act deliberately, never spontaneously. (5) Evaluate individuals by their physical activities, not their verbal claims. So , when you see anonymous plus degrees, they are suspect because you can not evaluate their source. Divide and conquer is the oldest and most effective weapon in the enemy’s arsenal. The important thing to remember and understand is that the enemy does not have to pay or hire agents to accomplish his ends. The 10% within the cipher, motivated by jealousy, stupidity, and pettiness, serve the interest of the enemy without fee. They will jump on a government-authored rumor (disinformation) and circulate it far and wide. This is what we have to combat. The first method of defense is identification. There are only three kinds of people: the 85%, the 10%, and the 5%, recognized by their ways and actions. We must evaluate every individual, and classify them as to what they are and not what they claim. Rumor carriers must be identified and challenged to show and prove their accusations in public. We know they best operate in secret without challenge. A righteous teacher will clean his personal cipher of them. The best defense is an offense. We will be successful. It might be asked, Why shall we be Successful in all we undertake,” and the answer is quite simple and has been known for some time. It is god who must master the Devil and rule the planet Earth. But when we are again asked by a lip-professing, reactionary priesthood who, know not, and neither do they understand why the penalty is death and was enforced on every violator, “Nevertheless,” we must answer them, “We know that which you know not.” Let those with Understanding acknowledge the wisdom and apply the Science. It is rapidly approaching the time when we shall show forth our power: that we are all powerful and righteous, and show that the day long in and coming, must be prepared for in advance to avoid falling victim. The time to show and prove in actions is now to qualify for membership in the future guaranteed only to the victors. Let the wise pursue wisdom, and the fools perish. I came in peace but prepared for war. (reprinted from The Universal Truth Vol. 1 No.7)

1 comment:

  1. I myself have had a very similar experience which created in me the inspiration to write my first book which I titled THE TRUTH "The Illumination of Conscience" most of what was given to me came from what I have come to know as "the universal source of knowledge" which we all have inside. In the book I was graced to explain these concepts in a very direct but simplistic language I think anyone with understand so that they too can receive their own Illumination of Conscience. Help me to promote this to those who are still in search I am donating 50% of all profits to giving copies of the book to souls who are still lost. Thanks, Jeff Simoneaux Author and owner of the website.
