Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Science of Righteous Names

Prince Life Allah On "The Science Of Names"
In The Name Of..... In the name of who? It is often said, In The Name of Allah, In the Name of Jehovah (God), etc. etc. Are you any of these people? What about your name? Is it that you don’t see your self being any of these people or doing what they did and even more? Maybe you don’t, but you have to be yourself, because what they did was all in their name, not yours or mine. Each man will be rewarded for his own deeds. What have you done in your name to make you immortal? History is in the making. Where will you be in the next hundred years? Stand own your own two feet, build your own name. A name does not make a person; it’s his performance [actions] which makes his character live out that name. Don’t hide behind someone else’s name, come in your own name. Prince Life Allah (reprinted from TUT. Vol. 1 No. 1)
Universal Shaamgaudd Allah on "The Science Of Names"
IMPRESSIVE NAME IS NO GUARANTEE OF SUCCESS OR FAME! The SHAAMGAUDD (pronounced-SHAMGOD) IS one which I designed my self, In 1965 I went by the complete name of SHAAMGOD,ABDULE, ALLAH,MALIK,JABBAR however on my first private talk with the Father, he asked me my name, so I ran It off like a little poem I knew right away that I had made a mistake, The Father smiled and almost laughed then he said "Son you don’t need all those names A man is should carry his name, the name should never have to carry the man, a name that heavy could weigh a young man down, don’t make your job any harder then it already is, your job is to help people to find themselves, with a name that long they’ll get lost in your name, you’ll be trying to teach them about the science of everything in life and they’ll be trying to remember what you said your name was. ALLAH is the family name and always follows the attribute of a God, JABBAR is a tribal name and is automatic, and includes all women and children, and this is an understanding within the family. A great name won’t make you great, you have to bring greatness to the name. think about it MUHAMMAD, BUDDA, MUSA, JESUS SINGLE NAMES MADE great by single men, that's why we have given you’ll the Supreme Alphabets and mathematics by using them properly you can create your own attribute that says the same things all those other names say, and after you have completed the Birth record you can add a name or change yours, however only after you have mastered that name for 10 years can you add or change the cipher! So when creating your attribute make it easy on yourself. {reprinted from The Sun Of Man May 85}
Prince Allah Cuba On “The Science Of Names” " Well, everyone needs a name to identify themselves for a variety of reasons, whether social, business political, or religious.’ The first thing anyone does upon gaining knowledge of self is to discard the slave name most of us have been burdened with. And they are slave names, not so-called "government names." They came from the slave master and not the government. Those slave names don’t have to be Jones, Johnson, or Fatback-. They can be Rivera, Lopez, or Rodriguez. They can be French or Arabic. There is a science to names that people should investigate. A name tells where a person comes from (town, state, country). A name tells you something about the person’s character (or lack of it), and this is known as an attribute which describes the person. The concept of "first" and "last" names is a European concept that was grafted-on rather than added- on after the departure of Allah. Certain people started saying that the only "proper last name" was Allah, and that particular teaching took hold. The fact of the matter is that while Allah was here no one else used that name. Why? Because he knew what the name signified, and that was the "best knower," of which he was at that time. So, in his passing, everyone who couldn’t take the name while he was here, got bold and started calling themselves Allah, and referring to Allah as "The Father." And in their lack of understanding of what the name signified, they couldn’t pass any understanding on. You know that there are people calling themselves Shakur, Shabazz, Farrakhan, and even Mandela who hope that reputation of the owner of the name can serve as a shield for themselves. I am not saying that people should not call themselves any of these names, or that they shouldn’t call themselves Allah. What I am saying, loud and clear, is Allah did not teach that We were required to name ourselves Allah; that he did not teach that "the only proper last name" was Allah. He knew the science of names. He was a graduate of the University of Islam and as such, was qualified to teach "right and exact." Everything he taught was consistent with what was taught in the Temple, which was, of course, consistent with 120. There was an oral tradition to fill in the gaps of the unexplained in 120. He did teach the necessity of getting out of the slave master’s name. He did not teach that everyone was required to have Allah as a surname. I use the term "surname" to illustrate the level of ignorance of those who taught that "Allah" was the "only proper last name." A surname as used by the Europeans, is a "last name." The family (or tribal, etc.) name or surname used as the last name is a European concept. The Asiatic method of use of a surname is in the front or middle. For instance the name Mao Tse-Tung, we know refers to first Mao, the family name. In Africa, in many parts that have not been Christianized or Europeanized you will find the order of names different than the European style. Allah taught, as did Fard and Elijah that we should get out of the devil’s names. As to the name Allah, the understanding to that can be found in Message to the Blackman in America on pages 108,109. Obviously, not everyone who calls themselves Allah is the "best knower" of any particular cipher or nation. The Knowledge degree in the 1-10 states who is God. That means every original man is God. It does not state any prequalifications to be God other than originality. We are all God, only 85% are asleep to the fact and are without God consciousness; but who is the best knower? Who is the supreme God of a divine nation of Gods? Allah will manifest himself and make himself known, and gather his army and his scientists and destroy Yacub’s so-called civilization, and build a new, higher civilization. He is here now and among you, but 95% will not recognize him. And of course that doesn’t make any difference, because like the orthodox Muslims, the 85% and the 10% will bow to the will of Allah." {reprinted from The Universal Truth vol.1 no.6}


  1. Replies
    1. Peace to those that show the y are civilized! Everyone that has knowledge and wisdom is civilized, yet being civilized does not qualify one to be the true and living God! The Born degree in the 1-14 as well as the knowledge-equality degree in the 1-40 shows and proves that all of the Universal family of the 5% may be civilized people, otherwise known as "Muslim and Muslim-Sons! Yet they are not God, because they deny themselves the Knowledge of the greatest teaching and that is Allah means Arm-leg-leg-arm-head! Those who are unwilling to proclaim themselves as the "Sons/Suns of the Father, and make the same distinctions with the Temple people the Father did, deny themselves! I don't need to deny them! Allah brought about a new identity for the young Blackman, and one that freed him from religion and the blind acceptance of falsehood. If you fear teaching that Supreme Mathematics is the science of every thing in life, and the word Man born Knowledge and the Knowledge degree in the Supreme Alphabet born Allah, and when we speak or greet one another we are not merely uttering empty words, we are speaking truth and changing the world by the daily repetition of truth! Those that have been conscious for generations know and have experienced the revolution brought about by the Father stress on the importance of adopting Righteous names. Now everywhere you go you hear the righteous names of our youth, and you take it for granted, yet the Father brought this reality about! Many of you still embrace the using the expressions of Fard, yet you don't carry the what? "X!" Yet you don't respect the one that made this possible! Be a Man, and admit that yes, the stone that was rejected has come back to be the head! When those that sincerely seek to discover the model for success in uplifting the 85%, if you identify with the 5% Nation of the God's and Earths teaching that the Father, not Fard nor Elijah brought to the young, then tell the truth! That doesn't make you less of a Man! It makes you greater to stand on your own truth or square and to speak freely! That is what the Father, Almighty God Allah did when he left the Temple! That is what a true and living Man would do and admit! After 55 years, the government changed their tune and gave to Allah, Justice and his 5% the highest honor by admitting that they the government were wrong to oppose us and they should be given credit! All of you too proud to give All Praises to Allah should take a lesson. The sign was not raised on 116th Street, nor does it carry Farrakhan's name. Whose teachings showed and proved?

  2. Peace

    This the God iSUPREME Rahmel ALLAH

    1. Peace God thank you for such a beautiful jewel. I'm printing this out and placing in a frame on my wall. Peace Almighty for All are Mighty.

    2. That's peace 7.
      Continue 2 8 right and exactly!

  3. Peace God's/Kings, the Post dated the wisdom-born (29th) day of most appropriately "Allah -U-God (August), was written by G. Ralik Allston to enlighten, not to bring about dissension. Peace means the absence of confusion and only the truth can eliminate confusion. We have been blessed by a Man who gave all in his power for us to see this Glorious Day!
