Saturday, June 21, 2014
Culture Devils by Prince A. Farad
There are those who have reinterpreted texts from actual facts to mythological symbols. They have taken real devils and made them character defects. They teach that devils are hatred, lust, envy and greed. When the question is asked, why does Muhammad and any Muslim murder the devil four devils, in particular, this is not a reference to hatred, lust, envy, and greed. Those are not devils; those are character defects. W.D. Farad was the sole author of those texts, and Elijah Muhammad was his best known initiate and chief expositor. Examine their histories and what they taught in reference to the subject at hand. Elijah Muhammad said to Hatim Sahib, “W.D. Farad did teach us that everyone [that] kills four devils at the proper time he will have free transportation to Mecca. This teaching had stirred the police department in Detroit against him. Ever since [then] they began to persecute and charge us with various charges.” (Hatim A. Sahib, The Nation of Islam,” unpublished dissertation for M.A., Department of Sociology, University of Chicago (December 1951), pp. 95) When Farad was arrested in Detroit in November, 1932, the local newspaper reported: “Records and ritual books found in the place were taken to [police] headquarters for examination. Several sections were found which were interpreted as an indication of the sanguinary purposes of the religious ‘teachings.’ One reads: ‘Every son of Islam must gain victory from a devil. Four victories, and the son will attain his award.’ ” (“Raided Temple Bares Grip of Voodoo in City,” Detroit Free Press, November 23, 1932, pps. 1, 3). Rather than accept recent fabrications and misinterpretations on face value, students would do well to read the histories of the Kenyan “Mau Mau,” the Indian “Thuggee,” the Chinese “Boxers,” and our own “B.L.A.” Elijah Muhammad had said much later: “Satan, the devil, is not going to take you and set you down in his seat, and then get up and walk away from it. You have to take him out of the seat.” (Elijah Muhammad, Theology of Time (Rassoull version-1992), pp. 482). Who is the devil he’s talking about? Isn’t it strange that devils know this is a reference to themselves, not “hatred, lust, envy, or greed,” and individuals claiming to be 5% and “having knowledge of self,” know less than a devil? Didn’t Allah used to say: “Study your lessons”? So why do these people love and fear the devils now that they are grown men? You know the answer. Time will come when Allah will take the devil off the planet Earth and like Elijah said, “You have to take him out” yourself. Marcus Garvey asked: “Where is the Black man’s government? Where is his king and kingdom? Where is his President, his country, and his ambassador, his army, his navy, his men of big affairs?” (Marcus Garvey, Philosophy and Opinions (1986), pp. 126) Get with the Program, the Universal Liberation Movement Program.
The Epithet by Prince A. Cuba
Nicholas Minucci is a white boy charged with a “Hate Crime.” He was accused of beating a Black man with a baseball bat in the summer of 2005, in Howard Beach, N.Y. The hate crime count is based on Minucci’s calling his victim “nigger” while he was beating him with the bat. Minucci’s defense was that in his mind, from “growing up around hip-hop culture and rap music,” that the “epithet” was “a benign form of address.” When told that the term is derogatory, a nigger will deny that. When pressed for an historical precedent, he will reject history, saying, “it is a generational difference,” as if the current generation is some how an historical anomaly, disjointed, unrelated, and some how wholly unconnected to the previous generations (read: “ancestors”). Those with no sense of history think their own generation is some how unique and wiser than those who came before. But what is a “nigger” ? “Niggers” have been around since the beginning of time, (probably before that, because they’re never on time), and can be found on every continent, country, nation, or tribe. They are represented in every movement and organization. They are represented in the Old Testament by Joseph's brothers who sold him into slavery to strangers. They are people who will sell-out their own for glass beads (bling-bling) or for the manufactured products which they do not develop the technology to produce for themselves. They refuse to “do for self and kind” or learn how. Other epithets for these people are: traitor, snitch, collaborator, sell-out, pimp. They have no nationality, cause, or true religion. They have no honor or loyalty, and while claiming to be “true to the game,” that “game” has no rules set in stone, no legislated statutes printed on paper, no judicial interpretation, no enforcement apparatus in place. They have no rules but fear, and are chiefly motivated and controlled almost solely by fear and short-term immediate self-interest or pleasure. They can be any color but they are most often confused by the ignorant with Africans who, the originator and the author of the epithet (white people), tagged with the name in reference to a river (Niger) in West Africa. The word “niger” means “black” in the  Latin language, and was neither derogatory nor of a negative connotation. Africans abducted from the Niger region became slaves in the English-speaking Americas. Because enslaved Africans were kept ignorant, illiterate, denied legal marriage contracts, responsibility for their offspring, social equality, or nutritious diets necessary for elevated and sustained mental development, these characteristics, while forced on them, were associated with the “nigger” status. People who were forcibly kept deaf, dumb, and blind to themselves and their origins, were called “niggers” by the ones oppressing them. The word niger (pronounced in the Latin “nee-gar”), in itself, was not a negative term; it was in the passage of time and within it’s social development that the connotation became negative. Connotation (suggested meaning in addition to literal meaning), is important as it gives a fuller understanding of the word. The word “slave,” for example, is defined as a person wholly under the control of an outside agency. The word did not always have its current connotation or meaning. The word in the English was borrowed from the Latin, itself derived from the Roman Empire and refers to Slavic (Slavs) people captured as prisoners of war forced into servitude (“slavery”). “Slav” in its original meaning was “noble person,” but in the passage of time, the Slavs in forced servitude evolved into the English “slave,” and the meaning and connotation of Slav changed from “noble person” to one wholly under the control of an other. We know the ancient meaning of the words, but what of their current meanings and connotations? Was Minucci, while hitting the brother in the head with the bat using “a benign form of address”? You may hear “that’s my nigger,” as a form of endearment, or hear poorly-stated arguments that there is a distinction between “nigger” or “niggah,” but the term, however pronounced, is too often used in the negative, in anger, and in insult to signify anything positive. The rationalizations offered for its continued use are significant when analyzed as thinly-disguised symptoms of self-hatred. It is the self-described group of “niggers” who constantly use the term and its auxiliary word “bitch,” that defend the self-use of the same, claiming neither is derogatory. They, as does Mr. Minucci, point to its use by entertainers, as authoritative! Are we missing something in our analysis? Do white folks cite Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, or Eminem as authorities for calling themselves something negative? Does any rational person utilize entertainers as a justification for their negative social practices? The generational argument proposed, is that because Marcus Garvey, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King didn’t use the term except as a derogatory one, they're out of date, or what they were all about or taught, is not relevant to today’s youth. Alex Haley, in his biography of Malcolm X, said that the only time he saw Malcolm close to tears was when he used that epithet, A single time, when he said: “We had the best organization the black man’s ever had ¾ niggers ruined it!” (pp. 411). Do these fools who call us this think them-selves wiser than those who came before? Not one of the thousands of people who call themselves “niggers” has been responsible for the upliftment or positive growth and development of anything but the system of slavery and exploitation built on the foundation of inequality and slavery, expressed as white supremacy. Not one “nigger” has written a book, devised a plan, or formed an organization to bring in effect, freedom, justice or equality. Huey P. Newton, George Jackson, Angela Davis, Assata Shakur didn’t tell you that you were “niggers.” Who taught you that you were ignorant, inferior, incapable of education or social advancement, or of producing advanced technology for yourself? Who called you “nigger” so much you became brainwashed into thinking it was your name? When a people internalize a negative definition of themselves, originated by a proven enemy and oppressor, they will manifest the symptoms of self-hatred through self-destructive behavior. Who has the highest death rate from self-induced causes? Lung cancer; cirrhosis of the liver; diabetes; obesity; high-blood pressure; H.I.V,A.I.D.S; colon and prostate cancer; heart disease? The chains of psychological slavery must be broken, and self-knowledge, translated into self-love is required before unity can be achieved. Folks talk about the “devil” within, and the Moorish Science Temple has a doctrine regarding the “lower self.” One might consider killing this epithet, because its use has not cheapened the word; just the opposite. Why else would some devil, accused of a hate crime in the beating of a Black man with a baseball bat,(he beat him into a coma),find some Black (mentally dead) stooges, to testify on his behalf, that the word “nigger” was not derogatory? When the devil was beating the brother in the head, was it a term of endearment?
The 5%: Nation or Universal?
Who are the 5%? The key portion of the answer to that question is those that “teach that the living God is the Sun of Man, the Supreme Being, the Black Man of Asia; and teach Freedom, Justice, and Equality to all the human family of the planet Earth.”
These teachings are not restricted to a particular group or nation. These all wise teachers make this Knowledge born to all the human family on the planet Earth, everyone. Those teachings are Universal. Universal means: “of, for, done by, or affecting all; the Universe.” These are teachings of the Gods of the Universe, and they are Universal teachings.
A key element of those teachings are Freedom, Justice, and Equality. Acknowledging ones godhood is a basic and a minimal accomplishment; it requires no difficult course of study, discipline, or actual practice; the Black man through the process of birth is God. Who is the original man but God of the Universe? The fact that eighty-five percent are unconscious of their godhood does not mean that they are not God; they just don’t know. We are all God, the Supreme Being, the Black Man of Asia; but we are not all the 5%.
Unless you teach Freedom, Justice, and Equality to all the planet Earth, you are not 5%. Are you all wise and righteous? Can you define those terms? A “term” is a word having a definite or precise meaning.
The metaphysicians and priests have not taught Freedom, Justice, or Equality. They have obfuscated and confused the terms. They have clouded the atmosphere with symbols and allegories to disguise actual facts. Freedom, Justice, and Equality are states of material reality, not some abstract or mystical doctrines. You have not been taught rightly by a group of people who would keep you deaf, dumb, and blind to the truth to avoid the political implications of teaching Freedom, Justice, and Equality. Why do they fear the devil now that they are grown men? They don’t want to risk prison, exile, or death from the devil for teaching Freedom, Justice, and Equality.
Freedom does not mean “free the dome.” What absolute nonsense. Freedom of thought, mental freedom is basic. You can be physically and materially enslaved sitting in a prison cell awaiting execution and be mentally free. The 5% don’t teach that kind of Freedom. Freedom is the state of being materially and physically free of restraint; at liberty; not imprisoned or enslaved; not under any obligation, or any oppression. That is Freedom; that is what we teach.
Justice is fairness, equality, and correct treatment. You cannot have Justice without Freedom or Equality. The three go together.
Equality means to be equal in everything. To be equal means to be “same, alike, in status, ability, or value.” To withhold equality from the Black woman and to say “she is not equal to the Black man, she is necessary, but secondary” is not to teach Equality. Equality means to be equal in everything. (Naturally these folks changed the crescent of the original Universal flag to reflect this view; it’s called “tampering”.)
National and nationality are derived from the term nation, already defined. Jamaicans, Panamanians, Puerto Ricans, Haitians, have nationalities. Nationalities are not determined by views, beliefs, political or religious, ideologies. Only the mentally dead graft these things onto fictionalized “nations”. How can someone claim to have “Knowledge of self” and not even know what a nation is, or their own nationality? They are not qualified to teach.
The greatest case of “identity theft” and “mentacide” has occurred and its victims are not even cognizant of the crime against them. To be in a state of denial means to lie to yourself. I have personally observed distortions, changes, and outright tampering of the teachings designed to bring into being Freedom, Justice, and Equality. Instead of instructing newborns of the absolute necessity of getting out of the slave masters’ names, so-called “elders” have instead substituted the words “honorable” or “government” name; they are neither. They are not honorable names, and they are not issued by the government. They are slave names. Get out of them; do not answer to them.
A nation has a national flag, not a Universal flag. A nation is an exclusive entity; a Universe is inclusive. The terms nation, country, government are used interchangeably by both the ignorant and those who would deceive you.
There are those who claim the title of the 5% that do not teach Freedom, Justice, or Equality to anyone. They refer to themselves as a “nation,” and represent themselves with a tampered version of the Universal flag. That’s their misunderstanding.
The Universal Truth was ordained in 1986 as the Supreme Wisdom of the Universal 5%. The Universal Truth does not represent a nation or national body, but all the human family; it is truly universal. We use a Universal flag in its original untampered design because we are not a nation or a national body. (We know these concepts are too abstract for those mentally asleep and lacking Knowledge of self). The Universal Truth is designed for the Universal 5%, not the 10% or the 85% brought into the other cipher. In its 20 years of existence no one has challenged its Divine Knowledge, Supreme Wisdom, or Universal Under-standing. The 10%, COINTELPRO agents, and an assorted variety of charlatans have misrepresented T.U.T., but only the 85% (their chosen audience) accept such claims on face value. As a result, we have grown stronger in showing and proving ourselves.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Editorial Comment
“T.U.T was born to manifest that ‘Positive Education Always Corrects Errors,’ and was established to maintain the original teachings of the 5% to counter the erroneous and mythological claims of the newly created (1986) “Nation of Gods and Earths (NGE), later revised to NOGE (because the NGE initials were ridiculed as an abbreviation for the well-known negative epithet). With the establishment in 1986 of the NGE came it’s mythological basis published in the newly created Word newspaper. Beloved Allah of Lord’s Island laid down the NGE’s mythological foundation in his “The Bomb: Greatest Story Never Told,” based on an uncredited plagiarization of Barry Gottehrer’s The Mayor’s Man (1975). In his efforts to glorify “the man called Allah” Beloved committed what historians commonly refer to as “pious fraud,” and what legal writers call recent fabrications. Despite the numerous errors that have been contradicted by numerous pioneer Five Percenters (Prince A. Cuba, Prince Life Allah, Abu Shahid, and Black Messiah) The high number of 85% brought into the NGE-NOGE cipher have been deaf, dumb, and blind to this reality. The Universal Truth came into being to combat error, myth, and COINTELPRO. It is not sugar-coated for the 85% hungering for the sweet lie, but is for the universal soldier willing to fight for the hard truth.” After killing Allah (1969) an attempt to start a beef with the NOI and 5% which failed, thanks to Gottehrer and Lindsay,¾they engineered the Wallace succession (1975), steering them into a harmless religious body, (like Wallace's NOI). The court decisions recognizing the NGE (the initials in the court decisions because the NGE hadn’t yet revised themselves into the NOGE yet), applauded these decisions as “victories.” This position of being recognized as a “religion” is in accord with the government’s aims to derail the 5% teachings and recognize the NGE-NOGE. The courts’ decision have in fact been consistent with the NYPD-FBI plans in creating a harmless religious cult. It’s no wonder that the various media refer to the NGE-NOGE as a “cult.” That might upset the 85% in the cipher, but as Allah used to ask: “But it is true?” Prince A. Cuba was accused of being a “revolutionary” by both the 10% in the cipher and their allies: the FBI-NYPD. They used to say in the seventies: “Prince Cuba isn’t god; he’s a revolutionary!” God is a revolutionary! Revolution is 360 degrees of change. The dissatisfied bring change, while the satisfied are against change. The dissatisfied want Freedom, Justice, and Equality and the 10% oppose it. All history records the struggle between the 5% and the 10% for leadership of the 85%. The 10% outnumber the 5% two to one, and the 85% let the 10% teach them, so it is a struggle. The struggle continues.
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